Our Technique

Think of an adjustment as “tuning” a piano, adjusting each string so it produces the perfect tone.
The Gonstead Technique
Gonstead represents the ultimate standard in “hands on” spinal adjusting and remains the leader in chiropractic techniques.
Adhering to the definition of true chiropractic as defined by D. D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic in 1895, Dr. Gonstead found there was no substitute or better method for analyzing or correcting spinal misalignments than with a pair of skilled chiropractic hands.
A Thorough Examination
Gonstead doctors have set the standard in chiropractic for patient examination and care.
Examination of the patient includes complete patient history, static palpation, motion palpation, instrumentation of the spinal column, and x-ray analysis.
When all this information is combined, a trained Gonstead doctor will immediately let you know if your health situation is a chiropractic case. If it is not, a referral to the appropriate health provider will be given.
If your case is a chiropractic case, the trained Gonstead practitioner’s goal is to utilize the dynamics of the effectual Gonstead Specific Adjustment to get you back to optimal health as quickly as possible. read more»
Contact our Sewell chiropractic office now to schedule an appointment.